Matlab sort
Matlab sort

  1. #Matlab sort code#
  2. #Matlab sort windows#

We simply access that element, convert this to an actual number via str2double, then log this into our longitude array. What is returned is a cell array of strings, and if this is done correctly, there should only be one element in this returned cell array. Not doing this would return the locations of where the strings were found, and that's not what we want. We use the flag 'match' to return the actual matched strings. This says that we are looking for a number where it may optionally have a negative sign ( -?) followed by a sequence of one or more digits ( \d+), followed by a decimal point ( \.), followed by another sequence of digits ( \d+), and we make sure that this happens at the end of the string ( $). The pattern we are looking for is rather cryptic at first sight: -?\d+\.\d+$ The first input is a string and the second input is the pattern we want to choose. We use the function regexp to help us search for a pattern. In your case, you want to find a specific pattern - namely a floating point number that possibly has a negative value in the front. Regular expressions are mechanisms used to find patterns in text. With this line, we use regular expressions to extract out the number at the end of the string. The 8th line contains your text of interest. Next, we loop through every text file in this directory, you open up the file with fopen, then use fgetl 8 times and skip 7 lines. Next, we create an array to store our longitudes that you read in from each file. Keep in mind that the filenames are with respect to the input directory of dir so if you still want to access the file, you'll need to use fullfile again. The second line finds a list of all files that have a. Each subfolder is separated as a single string, so keep that in mind when modifying the first line of code. The first line you specify where your files are located.

#Matlab sort code#

Let's step through this code line by line. %// Sort the longitudes and get the index ordering %// Extract out the number at the end of the string Str = fgetl(fileID) %// Skip to the 8th line Longitude = zeros(numel(files), 1) %// Initialize longitude arrayįor idx = 1 : numel(files) %// For each fileįileID = fopen(fullfile(folder, files(idx).name)) %// Open up file txt, do something like this: folder = fullfile('path', 'to', 'folder') %// Replace where your files are hereįiles = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.txt')) %// Find all files in folder Also, assuming that all of your files have the extension of. I'm going to assume that all of your files are placed inside a single directory. In the end, you'll have 50 numbers, so sort these numbers and get the corresponding sorted indices, then reorder what is output from dir. Next, I would look for a number at the end of the line using regular expressions, convert this number represented as a string to an actual number, then place this into an array. I'd use fgetl when you open up a file, and call it 8 times to get to the 8th line. In order to be operating system agnostic, let fullfile build the path of the directory for you.Īfter, use a for loop to iterate over each file, open it up, do your processing and close the file.

#Matlab sort windows#

On Linux/Mac, it's / while on Windows it's \. The reason why you use fullfile is because the path separator between folders / directories is different on every operating system. The output of dir will be a structure of information that represents each file in your directory. First things first, you should use dir and fullfile to read all of the files in a folder / directory.

Matlab sort